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Trump Exposes What Conservative Means

by on August 30, 2015

Trump’s poll numbers are increasing and solidifying with conservatives, despite the fact that besides immigration, he is a liberal politician. Trump is liberal on taxes (wants to increase them on the rich), healthcare (favors single payer), entitlements (will not cut social security or medicare), and campaign finance reform (wants full disclosure on campaign contributions). Additionally, he is the biggest critic of the Iraq War, which goes against the GOP’s neoconservative stances.

Trump’s support illuminates what “conservatism” has always been about. It’s been about racism and obstructing the rights and progress of minorities. The very word itself, “conservatism” is defined as an ideology which resists changes and is used to justify an existing social order.

Throughout history. people used the conservative banner when arguing against the progress of minorities. In the antebellum era, it was John Calhoun and others arguing for slavery and “states rights” against an overreaching federal government. In the civil rights era, it was the conservatives who opposed the government’s support of civil rights. These conservatives then showed their anger by nominating Barry Goldwater as President.

Trump’s hateful and racist comments on Mexicans follow in the long line of conservative politicians who appease their party supporters’ bigotry and racism. In the 1960s, it was George Wallace. We now have Trump. Instead of blacks ruining American, it is now Mexicans. They are the scapegoat.

Despite liberal positions on all other issues, conservatives will support Trump because he is right on the only issue that really matters, the issue of a white populace feeling threatened and vowing to “resist” this change.

If anything, Trump’s rise shows the true colors of the GOP base. No more can these voters argue that they are for smaller government, when their number one candidate is for a larger government. What the GOP base is for then, is a smaller government for minorities (i.e. reduced funding for welfare, medicaid, public education), but a larger government for the white majority (i.e. social security, medicare, tax breaks, etc.).

If the GOP wants to win in 2016, conservatism itself will have to undergo a transformation, divorcing itself from its racist origins. Other candidates have to recognize what Trump represents, call him out on it, and argue that the GOP will be for all people, regardless of color or national origin. Can this be done? I wouldn’t bet on it.


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